So, here are just a few questions that I've had to answer more times than I care to count.
What do I want as an Indie Author? Honestly, I just want to write my stories, reach my readers, and make a living doing what I love.
Do I care what path you take as a writer? Nope.
Do I care what you think of my choice to be an Indie Author? Nope.
Do I realize most Indie Authors fail? Of course I do, but I could turn that around and say that most marriages end in divorce, but I'm not going to rake someone over the coals for getting married.
Don't you worry that "serious readers" won't take you serious? Who are these "serious readers" and why are they any different than the readers that are just looking for good read to relax with on a rainy day? I write for people that enjoy the type of work I produce...Anyone else is just a bonus.
Don't you hate how much some authors charge? Um...No. If I don't feel a book is worth it, I don't buy it.
That's about it, those are the questions I get hit with and those are my answers. Will another author's answers be different? Probably and I'm sure they couldn't care less. That's the great thing about being creative people, we are going to have different ideas and opinions.