I'm using a little bit of a different technique for this story. I decided that I'm going to write the whole thing out long hand first. I don't know why, but that creates an instant intimacy between me and the story. The first novel I ever wrote, I used this technique and to this day I still think it's the best book I have ever written.
Just to make things even more interesting, I'm trying out another technique that I used on that first book long ago. Instead of writing this in a chronological way, I write whatever scene is inspiring me at that moment. This helps me really dive into the book. Once I write all the scenes hanging out in my brain, I go back and fill in the holes, edit, and rewrite as I type it into the computer.
Not bragging, but I think this next book will be much more successful than the other two. The few people who have been told the entire story idea are impressed, mentioning small details nearly everyday. They have never had this reaction to any of my other work, that really encourages me. It's like they can't get the story out of their head!
So in recap, I have written the first 5,000 words of the new book. I wrote it in long hand to help me dive into the work more. I'm using a method of writing where I write whatever scene is hanging out in my brain on that day. Also, I'm about 90% settled on a title. So I'll probably have a trailer up before too long once I get a feel for how long this is going to take to write.
So back to my notepad!