1. I love to listen to myself talk and I love to read what I write. I know, it's awful, but we've all got this in us.
2. I love meeting new people. It's great to get emails from readers and other writers. When these people follow my other social networks, it's a real rush. I even got my first Facebook stalker!
3. I can share some of what I've learned about the publishing industry and learn from others.
4. I can give shouts out to all the great indie authors that I enjoy.
5. I can get the opinions of readers on things like titles, book covers, and what to have for lunch.
6. I love to share my random and rambling thoughts.
7. Sometimes I just don't feel like writing on my projects, but just want to have fun.
8. Okay, I admit, I enjoy some shameless self promotion now and then.
9. When I'm blogging, I can pretend to be busy.
10. I enjoy that brief 1 second of fame that comes with every new post even if it's only in my own head.