One of the interesting things I discovered, was the number of superstitions surrounding circus life. For instance:
If a bird flies into the big top, it portends death to someone in the circus.
It is considered bad luck to use peacock feathers in costumes or set pieces as the eye shape at the tip of the feather is considered evil.
A hair plucked from the trunk/tail of an elephant is a good luck harm for those in the circus.
It is bad luck to look behind you while participating in a circus parade because it invites misfortune to follow you. It is also bad luck to look back while traveling on the road for the same reason.
When entering the ring, always step in with your right foot first.
Much like in the theater, whistling is considered bad luck in the circus. Should you be caught whistling, even in the dressing room, you would be sent out and made to turn around three times before being allowed to return.
So, what about you? What superstitions do you still practic