Yes, there is an example of my parenting at it's best. Instead of getting ready for school, my daughter was anxiously awaiting the kiss on the balcony. For the two of us, there was something surreal about watching it together. I was only a little older than her when I got up early to watch Charles and Diana get married, so I could share those memories with her while sharing the excitement over the current wedding. I can't think of a better reason to blow off school and work for a morning.
So, one would think that as the service ended and Alyssa went to school, that I would get busy writing and editing. That's what I should be doing, but instead I'm out preparing for a dance competition. Through most days there is a balance between Alyssa and myself. We support each other equally. Then there are competition weekends where it's all about her. You know what? That's the way it should be.
This weekend I will squeeze writing in wherever possible and that's okay. Sometimes you have to stop for those historic moments that will change your life as well as those life moments that make up your history.