I was going to set this up as a quiz on my Facebook Page, but I couldn't get any of the quiz apps to cooperate, so I decided to turn it into a blog post instead.
1. What's on your bookshelves/ereader?
a) Whatever books were on sale at the time
b) A mix of your favorite genres
c) Mostly one genre or one author
d) One or two favorite books
2. What do you think when you pass a bookstore?
a) I could always use more books
b) I wonder if there are any new books out I might like
c) I wonder what new books have come out in my genre/or by my favorite author
d) I wish I could remember the title of that book they mentioned on television last night
3. Where do you normally read?
a) Anywhere and everywhere
b) Any quiet place
c) My favorite chair or in bed
d) I don't remember the last time I read
4. What makes a great book?
a) There are no bad books
b) A great story with strong characters
c) A story that follows the rules of the genre
d) Others recomendations
5. When you buy a book, your purchase is based on what?
a) I give just about any book a chance.
b) If the description catches my eye, regardless of genre, I buy it.
c) If the description is interesting and it's in my favorite genre or by my favorite author, I buy it.
d) How much people are talking about it.
So how did you do?
Mostly A's: Story Hoarder
You purchase any and all books. You love to escape into a story and do so as often as possible.
Mostly B's: Eclectic Reader
You have varying, but predictable tastes. You love to read and it shows.
Mostly C's: Genre/Author Collector
You love one genre or one author. While you're still an avid reader, you tend to play it safe and stick to your tried and true category or author.
Mostly D's: Reluctant Reader
You only read a book or two a year. Your choices are usually whatever is hot at that moment, be it Twilight, Fifty Shades of Grey, or the latest celebrity biography. (Just a hint, you're really missing out)