Any way that you look at it, writers are an odd bunch. We fiction writers especially. After all, we tell lies for a living and do our best to make it believable. Actually, a very general definition of psychosis fits...
Psychosis (from the Greek ψυχή "psyche", for mind/soul, and -ωσις "-osis", for abnormal condition or derangement) refers to an abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality".
Yep...That would be us writers. Of course, I have to add hearing one character's voice when another is supposed to be talking. See? To "normal" people that sounds odd, but to other writers that is a real and frustrating occurrence.
So anyway, here is my version of a 12 step program for writers. If you complete all of these steps, you are truly a writer and can join the rest of us in our shared psychosis. I would love to get some suggestions from other writers out there on how to make it better.
12 Step Program for Writers
2. Believe that a greater power, known as the reader experience, will restore our claim of sanity.
3. Made a conscious decision to turn our will and our lives over to our characters.
4. Made an honest and fearless inventory of our commitment to our craft.
5. Admitted to ourselves, our family, and our friends that sometimes the made up people have to come first.
6. Accepted that once we give in to our creativity, there is no turning back.
7. Accept that we will never be Nora Roberts, Stephen King, or JK Rowling, but that we will be the best writer that we can be.
8. To be aware, always, of those that have supported us and encouraged us on this journey.
9. To thank those that have supported us and encouraged us on this journey.
10. To always be willing to edit, revise, and accept that sometimes we must kill our darlings.
11. To strive to be aware of what our readers want and expect, making it our goal to always deliver more than what the reader anticipated.
12. Having completed all of these steps, and now being a true writer, and share the love. Write a review or buy a fellow authors book.