As she watched, Janesa brushed her lips across his cheek. Devan saw the way his eyes closed and his breath caught. He believed it. He believed all of it.
What are we doing?
The kiss drew Laura Martin’s attention too. She elbowed her friends and then pointed to Janesa.
“Don’t you wonder where her mouth has been?”
Janesa pushed the guy away and glared at Laura. For a moment, Devan thought for sure that Janesa was going to hit her. She saw Janesa’s hands clench into fists and the way she crossed the floor in two strides.
In the blink of an eye, Janesa was at the table, reaching across to grab two handfuls of Laura’s hair and pulling her over to her. Janesa brought her lips down to cover the girl’s mouth. The kiss was brief with pursed lips, almost like something out of a cartoon.
Janesa pushed the girl away when she was finished and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
“Think about that the next time you wonder where my mouth has been,” she hissed as she walked back toward the bar.
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