I watched him lurch off, trying to compose himself as he walked past the group of teachers by the door. Even intoxicated, he was amazing to watch. Jonah drew the admiring glances of every female he passed. He was just so stereotypically high school perfect.
I had to laugh; he and I were like a bad movie. The predictable one where the new girl, unpopular, falls for the school jock and then the jock takes her to the dance. So that was it, tonight was my happy ending. I didn’t want to think any further than that.
Happy endings never lasted. I could vaguely remember a grand celebration where I danced with Alastor so long ago. That was a very happy moment, but not long after that we were both dead.
“May I have this dance?”
I turned to see a much recovered Jonah holding his hand out to me. Without a word, I placed my hand in his and let him lead me to the dance floor. His strong arms pulled me close, holding me against his body.
“My beautiful Becca,” He said in a moist whisper against my forehead.
I waited for him to say something else, but he didn’t. When I stole a glance up at him he had his eyes closed while his lips still rested against my hair. I felt that there was something that I should say or do, but I didn’t know what it could be. I shifted slightly away from him.
“Don’t.” Jonah begged.
Without opening his eyes, he lowered his lips to mine. He brushed his mouth over mine with such gentleness that I wouldn’t have been sure that he even kissed me if it wasn’t for the tingling running through my body.
Neither of us moved, his lips hovered over mine. He pulled me even closer, this time his lips lingered, making my knees go weak. There was a sensual passion this time. There was no trace of boyish clumbsiness.
I knew then and pulled away, terrified and not sure how he did it.
“Alastor!” I gasped.
I looked up into Jonah’s face, searching his eyes for an answer, but behind his face, deep in the soul of those eyes was Alastor.
“How?” Was all I could ask.
Pulling me close again, he looked down at me through another man’s eyes. Images of old movies with tearful endings came to mind as he pulled me to him.
“Please don’t scream.” He said against my hair.
“How did you do it?” I demanded, nearing hysteria.
“Does it matter?” He asked as we waltzed about the floor, so much more graceful than before. “You asked for a kiss and I gave it to you.”
I tried to fend off panic. I knew this was impossible. I was shaking so badly that my teeth began to chatter. “Alastor…I can’t…”
“Please,” Alastor begged. “Please, you asked me to give you this one night. I’m asking you to give me this one moment.”
My heart fell with his request and the tears came to my eyes. I trembled in his arms. How could I refuse him?
“What do you want me to do?” I asked.
“Close your eyes.” He whispered over my eyelids.
I did as he asked. “Now what?”
“Just be.” He said and lowered his face so our cheeks touched. “Just be.”
With my eyes closed, I forgot all about Jonah. I was dancing safe and secure in Alastor’s arms with my body remembering his touch even my mind sometimes couldn’t. As long as I didn’t open my eyes, it was Alastor that was holding me close. This is where I belonged.
“Kiss me again.” I requested in a whisper, longing for the sensation of him touching me, of crossing that breach between life and death.
He took my face into his hands. I kept my eyes shut tight as I reached up and covered his hands with mine. The earth shifted beneath me as I remembered standing just like this the day that we were married over a century ago.
Alastor’s lips met mine, soft at first and then harder. He was real. He was alive.
I wanted to feel his skin against mine. I wanted his lips on my throat. I wanted him. It was a feeling that only the most primal part of me seemed to understand.
I kissed him again and again. I kept my eyes shut tight and was afraid to let go. I couldn’t breathe, part of me was still terrified and another part wanted to sob uncontrollably.
“I’m sorry.” I whimpered, trying to hold on tighter. “I’m so sorry for everything.”
He kissed me again and I knew that there would never be another. There was only Alastor. It was only Alastor that I loved. It was only Alastor to whom I belonged. It was Alastor to whom I was lost.