Why this strange pose? Because for once, I was breaking all the rules. I was out of bed past midnight on a school night so that I could watch Something Wicked This Way Comes yet again on cable. If I got caught, I'd be grounded for the rest of my life, but the risk was so worth it.
I was obsessed with that movie. The grindingly eerie music of the circus parade still sends chills up my spine and I never pass a carousel that I don't think of those cursed horses from the film.
So, there I am, crouched in the dark next to the old console television. I have the volume down so low that i have to press my ear against the speaker to hear it. I jump at every little noise, but still I stay til the very end, knowing I'll be too freaked out when I finally do go to bed to actually sleep.
Now that's the power of a good movie!
While I was writing the first book in my Spiritus series, I kept going over my favorite scary stories and, even all these years later, Something Wicked This Way Comes came to mind. I'm now in the process of tracking down a copy so that I can share it with my daughter, but I can't help but think of what an awesome remake it would be!
What are some of your favorite movies? And do you think that a remake can ever capture the magic of the original?