I've read the Twilight series, seen the movies, and even my nine year old daughter is a fan thanks to the movies and the graphic novels. I'm even crazy enough to think that we all owe a considerable debt to the author as I explained in a post last year: Why We Should All Love Stephenie Meyer.
So, as you can imagine, my house has been completely wrapped up in the whole Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart break-up. My daughter has even been working on a music video about it set to Lady Gaga's Bad Romance.

What if it was the other way around? Right now there is a huge outcry because "trampire" cheated with her director. If it was Rob that cheated, would the media still be as harsh? This media circus is a perfect example that the old double standard is alive and well. (And by the way, I love the "trampire" nickname)
The Morals Clause. Do Hollywood contracts still have moral clauses? In the early days of Hollywood, contracts had clauses concerning what would happen if the behavior of an actor had a negative impact on the profit of a movie. If there is such a clause in Kristen Stewart's contract, how much would she have to pay out if Breaking Dawn Part Two fails to meet profit expectations?
The Humiliation. We've all been through break-ups and know that you are always a little embarrassed to face family and friends after being wronged by a lover. It's even worse if we ignored their advice about our ex. Now kick that up to a global scale. If Rob Pattinson takes her back, he's a sucker. If he doesn't take her back, he's cold-hearted.
Expectations. We all have to live with certain expectations. We have expectations of ourselves and other people. Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we can never live up to our expectation or those of others. Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were build up to be this fairy tale couple come to life, perfect in every way. Yeah, that'll have a happy ending.

So, while my daughter checks her Google alerts on the subject and changes her mind one minute to the next if he should to take her back or not, I can at least be thankful that her curiosity has made her think about the difference between what's on screen and in magazines and what's real.
In short, again Twilight has given me the chance to teach my daughter a valuable lesson......What we see on screen and in magazines isn't reality. Now add that to creepy stalker boyfriend being a bad thing, not romantic and