To anyone looking past My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, the first thing that you will come across are stories related to the evictions last year of the Dale Farm traveller site in Crays Hill, Essex, United Kingdom. The stories are all pretty straight forward: Part of the Dale Farm site was legal, the other part wasn't. It was a long and drawn out process, full of protests, that ended in the eviction of the travellers occupying the illegal portion. What was surprising was the comments attached to these stories. The things that people posted ranged from ignorance to out and out cruelty!
I was shocked by the story that appeared on a UK blog The Telegraph titled: 'Irish Travellers are part of the British heritage and need to be accommodated'. Really? . Twenty-five pages of comments regarding the scams, lawlessness, and dropping property values thanks to the travellers. It was like going back in time. I was especially shocked with comments wanting to send them back to Ireland because they weren't really British. It reminded me of the comments one would hear in pre-civil rights America.

I still had high hopes and kept reading only to discover that there are actual "Irish Traveller Task Forces" set up in some cities and that retailers give their employees special "Traveller Training".
Again, here I am doing all this research and reading about the racism against the Irish Travellers in the UK and in America, and all I can say is WOW, and not in the good way.
I'd love to know if any of you out there