Paper- When I print out that first draft, I do it a chapter at a time. As I edit, I insert additional scenes by putting "insert #1 where the new scene is needed. I then write the new scene out long hand on college ruled spiral notebooks with perforated margins. I then tear the pages out and paper clip them to the chapter. Now, here's where the superstition comes in.....I like to use red notebooks because red is the color pen normally used in editing.
Pens- The red notebook brings me to my next dysfunctional little quirk. I won't use a red pen and ask anyone editing my work to please not use one. Why? Red is such a hostile color! It's very discouraging to get back a manuscript that looks like it's bleeding. I prefer using blue or better yet, purple.
Post-Its- Okay, this is a little odd too, but I don't like to use yellow post-its when I edit. They are just so ordinary and boring. It sort of makes me feel like I'm doing secretarial work instead of creating.
Junk Food- When I am writing, I might indulge my sweet tooth every now and then, but for the most part, I avoid sweets. When I'm editing, the exact opposite is true. I proofread while munching on gummy bears and burn the midnight oil by drinking orange soda by the gallon. Definitely not good for the waistline!
So, to the other writers out there, do you have any strange editing superstitions or dysfunctions?