DMB: First off, welcome to the blog. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
JWJ: I’m a jobbing writer – have written four novels, two non-fiction books, hundreds of articles, columns and short stories. And far too many emails….
DMB: How old were you when you decided that you wanted to be a writer?
JWJ: About 29 I think.
DMB: For those readers that haven’t had the pleasure of reading your work, can you tell us a little about it?
JWJ: My novels are usually described as romantic comedy – tho they have their dark corners. My non-fiction – Wannabe a Writer? and Wannabe a Writer We’ve Heard Of? might be described as How-to comedy… I have a regular column in Woman’s Weekly Fiction Special here in the UK and I am the agony aunt for Writing Magazine.
DMB: Do you see yourself in any of your characters?
JWJ: There is always a little bit of me in my
DMB: Do you have any odd writing habits or rituals?
JWJ: Not really – I like to write straight onto the screen – can’t do longhand fast enough – and I drink a lot of green tea with lemon. I sometimes add wine or chocolate to that.
DMB: All writers have them, but what was that a-ha moment that inspired you?
DMB: When I realized it beat going out to work to do a proper job.
DMB: What are your most difficult scenes to write?
JWJ: Sex scenes – I feel silly writing the squidgy bits.
DMB: Describe your ideal writing place.
JWJ: My writing room at home which is quite large and has a fridge hidden in the envelope cupboard. It also
has an open fire, a sofa to lie back and look writerly on, lots of books and an assortment of perfumed candles – of which I am very fond. There are two desks – one for the computer, one for unpaid bills – and I usually have
flowers in here too though they are sadly lacking as I type…
DMB: When you first started out as a writer, what were some of your biggest challenges?
JWJ: Getting published; making any money.
DMB: Any advice for other writers that are just starting out?
JWJ: Marry somebody rich.
DMB: Are your family and friends supportive of you?
JWJ: I have wonderful friends. When he was small my son used to position himself between me and the computer screen and pull my face away from it! (He’s grown out of that now he’s eighteen). My husband cheered up about the whole business once the cheques started coming in.
DMB: What writers have inspired you?
JWJ: Oh so very many. I am constantly in awe of other writers.
DMB: Who is your favorite character from another author’s work?
JWJ: Bridget Jones was genius.
DMB: What do you do when you are not writing?
JWJ: Walk, talk, read, play tennis, do the crossword, see my friends, drink wine, wake up at four in the morning thinking “why did I SAY that….?”
DMB: What can we expect from you in the future?
JWJ: Who knows…. J
and www.wannabeawriter.co.uk
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