First off, welcome to the blog. Can you tell us a little about yourself? Thank you for having me! Let’s see. I was born in Wichita Falls, Texas, but only spent a couple years there. Then my mom and I moved on to New Jersey , where I was very happy, until I was around 14 and she thought the city life was corrupting me, so she dragged me off to rural Vermont where I’ve been ever since, lol.
I live with my 21 year old son who is still in college, 2 Maine Coon cats and 2 mutts.
How old were you when you decided that you wanted to be a writer? It wasn’t until about 11 years ago. I grew up reading Stephen King, and then moved on to romantic suspense as I got older. I finally decided I had a few stories to tell of my own.
For those readers that haven’t had the pleasure of reading your work, can you tell us a little about it? There is a broad range of work I have out. 90% is Romantic Suspense. There are a couple on the dark side. I’ve got a couple contemporary romances out there, one with a touch of paranormal. I also have a writing partner, those books have a lot of paranormal or mystery/thriller mix in with some awesome romance.
Do you see yourself in any of these characters? Sometime, but not usually. These heroines are usually kick-ass and I could only wish to have half their confidence and determination.
Do you have any odd writing habits or rituals? Love writing to music. It always gets me in the mood, but that’s about it.
All writers have them, but what was that a-ha moment that inspired you? My daughter had gone through a series bad break-ups. The guys were real losers and broke her young heart. She then left for the Air Force shortly after the last break-up and I decided to write a story about the hero she should have had in her life.
What are your most difficult scenes to write? Sex. I don’t write it just for the sake of having it in the story, so when it’s there, the emotions are all there, but it’s still the hardest part to write. Not sure why. I guess I want to make sure the readers are able to feel the depth of emotions the characters are.
Describe your ideal writing place. On a beach, either early morning or just before dusk, lol. But realistically my desk works best. I sometimes write on the couch with the laptop, but get the most done at my desk.
When you first started out as a writer, what were some of your biggest challenges? Learning the ins and outs of the business. Who knew there was more to it than writing your little heart out, lol.
Any advice for other writers that are just starting out? Oh, Jeeze, where to begin. Keep learning your craft number one. Don’t assume you know all there is to know because it changes daily. Find a good critique partner or group to go over your work and when you think it’s flawless have someone else read it before you submit it somewhere. We authors never see our own mistakes, lol. That and research, research, research.
Are your family and friends supportive of you? Very, my kids tell everyone they know and my friends are always asking when the next one is coming out. They keep me going.
What writers have inspired you? Stephen King, Cindy Gerard, Cherry Adair, Lori Foster, Suzanne Brockman, oh I could go on and on.
Who is your favorite character from another author’s work? Lori Foster had three great hero’s. I just loved Trace, Dare, and Jackson. Now those men where soooo hot. I feel in love.
What do you do when you are not writing? I work full time as a nurse in a rural family practice in VT. READ tons of books and love to cook.
What can we expect from you in the future? Tons and tons of new stories from me and L.J Garland. We love writing together and come up with some awesome ideas. I think we have enough lined up now for at least 5 years, lol.

Emily wants Colin in her life and her bed. Enlisting the help of Colin's teammate's and Madame Eve's 1 Night Stand dating service, she plans to prove to Colin he can have everything he lost once again.
Will their one night lead to the happy ending she longs for or the loneliness he thinks he deserves?
Born in Wichita Falls, Texas, at the age of two Debbie and her mother moved to New Jersey, spending many happy years on her grandparents' horse farm. You'll sometimes find this setting as a backdrop in her work.
As a teenager, she and her mother found a new home in Vermont, where she currently resides. With a daughter in the Air Force, one son in college and the other working for the family business, Debbie now shuffles her time between a husband and full time job as a nurse, and writing.
About seven years ago, while looking at over three hundred treasured books lining her shelves, she realized there was a multitude of stories of her own clamoring for release. Since then, she's seriously persevered in keeping the keyboard in constant motion.
With two novels, Mountain's Echo and Infidelity, and two novellas, November Rain and Second Chance now published, Debbie is now also working with a partner, L.J. Garland. Together the two have written Sins of the Mind and are hard at work on many more manuscripts.
Debbie has been a member of KOD, FTHRW, ELEMENTS and RWA Online.
Website / Blog
Colin took a step back and cringed. “Aw, shit, Bobby. What’ve you done?”
Bobby punched Zeke in the shoulder and shook his head. “Nothing bad. Actually, it’s so simple you’re gonna kick your ass for not thinking of it first, Ghost.”
He doubted it. More than likely he would kick Bobby’s ass. The man worked overtime to hook him up, like he was a damn charity case. If he wanted to get laid, he could go find his own. Unfortunately, the only woman that spurred his senses in the last year had been Emily. He wanted her so bad he caught himself thinking about her during the day and woke up sweat-soaked and hard at night from dreaming about her.
Shit! Maybe he did need to get laid. “I repeat, what have you done?”
Zeke jumped up. “See, there’s this woman named Madame Eve––”
Colin threw his hands up. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! This is low even for you. I don’t need a freaking prostitute. Damn, Bobby. What the hell are you thinking?”
Bobby laughed. “Not that kind of madame. She runs an elite dating service and sets up one-night stands for consenting adults. It’s a no-strings-attached kind of thing. Just two like-minded adults looking for a night of pleasure. That’s it. You both go in with your eyes open and leave the next more feeling a lot less stressed.”
Colin crossed his arms over his chest and lifted a brow, “And how does she go about finding these people and matching them up?”
“Don’t worry I’ve checked it all out. You go on her website, fill out the application. Then she matches you up with someone who meets your needs. She names the date and place and the rest is on you. It’s all legit.”
“You sound like an infomercial.” Colin shook his head. “This is fucking crazy, ya know. I have no trouble finding my own women.”
“Never said you did, Lieutenant,” Zeke said. “But this way you don’t have to troll the bars, hoping to find a woman who wants to get her rocks off exactly like you. We know that’s not your scene, but this way everyone gets what they want and walks away happy.”
Bobby glared at Zeke. “Where the hell do you come from anyway?” He returned his gaze to Colin. “More like a night of mutual pleasure.”
“I have my own ways of relieving stress.”
Bobby snorted. “Uh, yeah. I’m not talking about whacking off in the shower, dude.”
Colin rubbed his hands over his face. Good God, had he really been reduced to this? "Fine."