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“Would you care for a soda?” She asked when she reached me.
“A bottled water if you have it,” I said with a forced smile.
I took the bottle she offered and thanked her, but I could feel her staring at me. I was about to ask her what her problem was when I felt her pat my shoulder gently.
Looking up, I saw the pity in her eyes as she smiled down at me.
“Don’t worry,” she said as she furrowed her brow slightly. “He’ll get what’s coming to him.”
She said nothing else. She gave me one more pat on the arm and then continued down the aisle. On her way back though, she gave me another encouraging smile.
“Keep your chin up,” she said with a wink.
I nodded and gave her my best “trying to be brave” smile even though it was all a lie. I almost wish Nick had hit me on purpose. At least then I could be legitimately mad at him. As it was, the longer I was gone, the more ridiculous I felt.
I turned toward the side of the plane and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep before I had the chance to think much about what I was doing.
At first, my mind was spinning, my heart seemed too big for my chest, and I couldn’t seem to catch my breath. I squeezed my eyes shut tighter and tried to focus on just slowly breathing in and out until I could feel sleep taking me.
It was a strange thing, allowing myself to fall into dreams while surrounded by strangers. I felt myself sliding away from reality and into the nothing of dreams. I floated there, waiting, until everything shifted and I could make out the familiar scene.
I could still hear the vibrating roar of the plane, but in my mind’s eye, I was laying by a warm fire underneath a star-filled sky. I stretched, feeling the cool earth just beyond the pallet upon which I was laying. I was warm and I was content.
The forest surrounded me, spreading branches out to embrace me and keep my secrets. I felt like I was part of it, a wild creature that couldn’t be tamed.
A hand came from behind to rest on my hip as lips were pressed against my shoulder. I knew this touch, it was a familiar touch, and it was the recognizable touch from hundreds of dreams over the years.
It was him...My faceless lover from so many dreams...Always in the shadows, but always there.
I turned to him, welcoming his lips on mine. He kissed me deeply and completely. I moaned as his lips traveled to my neck, sucking at the hollows of my throat. I brushed my mouth across his shoulder, savoring the smoky taste of his skin.
His hands were on me, sliding up my sides and over my breasts. I felt his lips at my collarbone, his dark hair brushing against my skin.
I tangled my fingers in his hair, twisting the long strands until his groan rumbled against me.
I need you...I need you...
His lips were over mine again, the weight of his body pressing down on me. My legs parted and I lifted my hips, arching against him.