I could lie to myself and say that the reason I'm procrastinating is that I'm just a touched burned out after finishing the last book in the Spiritus series, but that's not really the case. If I'm really honest, I procrastinate because I'm afraid.
That may sound a little crazy, but it's true. I'm a little scared to dive into another novel. What if it's not as good as the Spiritus series? What if I can't EVER be that good again? And by "good" I don't mean that it's some literary masterpiece. I mean "good" in the way that it made ME feel writing it. I mean "good" in the way the characters seemed like old friends. What if I can't ever get that again?
Part of me wants to just toss out the ideas of outlines and go back to just writing whatever comes to me. I definitely get much more writing done that way, and it is the way that I wrote most of the Spiritus books, but then there is always so much to go back and fix! If I go by a rigid outline, then it takes some of the fun out of it and I find myself struggling with each scene. Again, is this a real worry or am I just making excuses?
So I ask my fellow writers, do you procrastinate out of fear or am I alone here? Does that make me the Queen of Procrastination, the Queen of Denial, or the