Here is the fictional clipping of the wedding from the Corydon Democrat:
Rebecca McKinley Marries Alastor Sinclair: Miss Rebecca McKinley and Alastor Sinclair were married on the evening of June second at the home of the groom. The bride was beautifully gowned in white lace and satin, trimmed with beads. Several friends were present. The groom remained with his bride one week before returning to his regiment. Mrs. Sinclair is expected to make their home at Mr. Sinclair’s Capitol Avenue house.
Anyone that followed the series knows that the wedding is also mentioned in Haunted (Spiritus Series, Book 2) when Becca examines her past life under the power of hypnosis.
Excerpt from Haunted:
"Becca?" I asked. "Can you hear me?"
"Yes," she whispered, so softly that I had to strain to hear her.
"So, where are you? When was the happiest time of your life?"
Even with her eyes closed, Becca’s face lit up and her lips curved into a smile. "June 2, 1862. My wedding day."
I stiffened in my chair, "What?"
"The day that I married Alastor Sinclair," she mumbled.
That was not the answer I was expecting.
I broke out in goose bumps and my skin went clammy. I couldn't believe that this was happening. It just wasn't possible. What could I possibly say or do after that?
Of course I had read studies about past life regression during hypnosis, but I never really believed that it was possible. It was one thing to entertain the notion of life after death, but even I had never taken the past life portion of this case seriously.
Was it possible that Becca was that engrossed with this delusion? Was she remembering a memory that she herself created? If I questioned her further, would it all fall apart once and for all? Would that be the thing that cured her or the thing that would send her over the edge?
"Tell me what you see," I requested.
"I see the flowers in my hand, white and damp. My mother cut them from the garden this morning," she whispered. "And they still smell of sunshine."
Becca smiled, almost glowing, "I see Alastor, and he is so handsome in his uniform. He's looking at me and I can see it in his face that I am beautiful."
"Alastor is alive?" I asked.
"Of course," she said. "Alastor has my hand and the minister is talking, but I'm not listening, I'm looking at Alastor and the way the sun coming through the windows shines in his eyes."
I was amazed by her level of detail, but I needed to separate her from the fantasy.
"Is your father there?" I asked.
Her brow furrowed, "Yes, and my mother as well."
I was stunned by the latest twist. In her fantasy, her mother was alive? How could that even be?
"Your mother?" I asked.
"Yes," Becca said with a smile. "She's crying, but I know that she's happy. She always wanted me to marry a good man like Alastor. I'm going to miss them when they leave."
"Your parents are leaving?” I asked, curious where her delusion was heading. “Where are they going?"
"Further north," Becca mumbled. "The war makes them nervous. They want me to go as well, but I want to be near Alastor while he's fighting."
As intriguing as this glimpse into her fantasy was, it provided no promise of a cure. I was still amazed by her level of detail, but it wasn’t getting us anywhere.

The Kindle Best Selling Paranormal Romance Series
A love that refuses to die...
"As I watched him vanish into a soft mist that faded away, I knew that he was no ordinary spirit...I knew that he was a dangerous entity that could be in some corner of another realm planning his revenge, but I also knew that I was hopelessly in love with him."
When Becca moves into her ancestral home in Corydon, Indiana, her life takes a puzzling and thrilling turn when she meets the ghost haunting the halls. As the seductive spirit lures her closer and closer, she learns about her own past and starts to understand that some mistakes are meant to last.
Becca McAllister has always been different from other girls her age. Never part of the "in crowd", Becca never really fit in anywhere. When her mother dies and her father moves them to the small town of Corydon, Indiana, Becca didn't expect things to change.
But things do change when Becca accidentally makes contact with a one hundred and sixty year old ghost, Alastor Sinclair, that haunts the halls of her new home.
To Becca, Alastor is a seductive spirit that seems to see straight into her soul. To Alastor, Becca is what he has waited a century for--A second chance.
But the closer they get, the more Becca realizes that this isn't the first time she and Alastor have known each other. Worse still, is she the one responsible for his death so long ago? And if so, did he come back for love or revenge?

Alastor came at me then, forcing me back against the wall. He was so solid that I could feel his weight against me. I could feel his frozen breath on my face....He ran his hand up my arm, over my shoulder, and rested at the base of my throat. His blue eyes glittered dangerously.
Becca has accepted the horrors of her past life, and emerged with her ghostly love Alastor at her side. But her happiness is short lived when she realizes that balancing her past and present won't be easy...
Becca has already decided that it's Alastor that she loves, but now, as their uncommon relationship limits Becca's future, Alastor must decide if he's willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for Becca's happiness....And will Becca's sanity survive?