Why the Hotel Monteleone? Well, first off it has a carousel bar. How many places can boast of that? Not to mention that many famous authors including William Faulkner, Tennessee Williams, and Truman Capote have all had drinks there. Also, the location is rumored to be haunted and numerous investigations have taken place there. For a writer, that is an irresistible lure.
When I began writing the second book in my Spiritus series, Haunted, I knew that I wanted part of it to take place in New Orleans. I needed not only the Bayou St. John and the connection to St. John's Eve in the story, but I had to indulge myself and include the beautiful Hotel Monteleone. And yes, my characters did have to have drinks at the famous carousel bar.
Is there a certain destination that you long to visit and if you're a writer, have your characters already been there?