See, I have a lot of twisted creativity. I laugh at inappropriate things, quote obscure books and movies, argue with the characters in my mind, and have this annoying tendency to call people out on their crap. All of this sort of churns together to make my own personal brand of craziness that my readers love, but that normal people find a little odd to say the least.
I often hear people say that there is a fine line between creative and crazy...I don’t really think that line is drawn in ink. I think it’s drawn in chalk so that I can move it at any time. Unfortunately, I don’t think the rest of the world shares my opinion.
So, that brings me back to my original mantra. I try to pretend to be normal, to not scare the normal people that I encounter every day, but sometimes it’s just too hard to hide. I mean sure, I can pretend that at forty I’m too old for purple hair or that I don’t consider John Lennon to be one of the greatest philosophers of all time, but what good would that do?
Maybe the best thing that I can do for my own sanity is just to embrace my craziness and let my freak flag fly. Maybe instead of lying and saying that I had a salad for lunch, maybe I should just go ahead and admit that I had nothing but peanut butter and gummy bears. Maybe instead of trying to disguise my writing as romance, I should just go ahead and let the creepiness take over. And maybe, when that person is lying right to my face about crap that doesn’t even matter, instead of politely nodding, maybe I should just go ahead and laugh in their face.
That all sounds good. Maybe instead of hiding my creepy self, I need to just go on down the road as my red hoodie wearing-brain eating self. Yep, that sounds pretty good. Maybe I have a new mantra...
Don’t be normal...Don’t be normal...