Anyway, I went looking for the book and when I saw the cover, it really caught my eye. I know, it super simple, but that's what I love about it. I really love the beautiful, colorful, covers that are out there, but as you can tell from my Spiritus series, I really get into the simple covers too.
I loved the font for "WITCHES", sort of reflective and menacing with its sharp edges while the rest of the title is smooth and unassuming. I even love the green eye (I use the same effect on my upcoming Possessed novel with Alastor and Becca's eyes), but what really catches my attention is the tiny black flecks that to me look like crows flying. Weird, but I like it.
So, was it the cover that made me buy the book? Probably not, but it definitely didn't hurt.
So, first off, tell me I'm not alone here, do you sometimes discover a new favorite book from a television show or movie? Please don't leave me all alone in my literary shame!