10. Always go with your gut! My first impulse, that inner voice or instinct, has never let me down. It's usually when I'm trying to be rational that things go to pot.
9. Broccoli...Little trees...Enough said.
8. Cauliflower...A vegetable that looks like a brain...Yeah, that is not a good idea.
7. Never trust a clown! Just watch Poltergeist or read some Stephen King if you doubt me.
6. Career or love? Always pick your career because of he loved you, he wouldn't make you chose and as Lady Gaga says, your career will never roll over and say that it doesn't love you anymore.
5. Follow your dreams. I firmly believe that when you are on your deathbed, you will only regret the things you didn't do or go after.
4. Religion. If a person tells you what a good christian (or any other faith) that they are within minutes of your first conversation, run for the hills because that person will be the meanest, back stabbing, sort of crazy that you will ever see. Look for those that do not call attention to their faith, but instead are kind to others (even those that disagree with them) and you will find the true "good people".
3. You get what you get and you don't throw a fit. There is nothing wrong with wanting more and going after more, but work harder for the things you want rather than complaining why it didn't happen this time. (My favorite piece of Dance Mom advice)
2. No excuses! If you get fired, own that crap! If you fail a class at school, own it! Don't make excuses. It's no one else's fault. If you screw up, that's fine, move on.
1. Karma. Always remember to treat others like you want to be treated. If you do bad things, bad things will happen to you. And sometimes...You just have to give it to the universe and let karma sort it out.
So those are my rules for life...What are yours?