How/why did you start to write?
I think I always have written – or at least made up stories. I did it because I loved reading and was good at telling my own. It wasn’t a conscious decision, for the most part, though. I did it because it came naturally to me. At first, I did it to amuse myself, and then to impress teachers. If not for my teachers as a child, I certainly wouldn’t be where I am today. Bless them – they were essential to my writing, and so very encouraging.
In recent years, I continued doing it as a creative outlet as I grew up, because I was in academics and I needed to burn off some imagination. I’ve only been professionally published since October 2010, so I am new as an author. Been writing a long time, though.
In what genre do you write?
My primary genre is contemporary romance, but I also write some erotica. I’m working on a romantic suspense, now, which has a steep learning curve. For some reason, I seem to gravitate towards holiday romance, as well.
Have you tried other genres?
I’ve tried all sorts. I have some experience in non-fiction, poetry, and playwriting. I have tried horror (which turned out awful) and some melodramatic “literature,” which I tried when I was way too young to have enough perspective and experience to do well at. I have written some humorous essays, which I enjoy, but I find it quite challenging. I am planning on starting a historical romance next year, which is exciting. I am working on a screen play, as well.
How did you choose your genres?
My genre sort of chose me – my mum was a big romance reader, so I used to burn through her stacks when I ran out of my own, and I just sort of grew up with Harlequins and Silhouettes and the ilk. I realized I had a way with character and motivation, so romance seemed to be the natural fit for me. Erotica was done as an experiment, just to see if I could do it – it seems I could, so I ran with it.
So, what is Strings Attached?
Oddly enough, Strings Attached was the first full length romance novel I wrote and finished – way back in 2001 – but is my latest release. It sat in a drawer for a long time while I went to university. When I finally graduated, in 2010, I pulled it out, re-wrote it, and sent it off. I was thrilled when Wild Horse accepted it. After ten years, I am still in love with the characters – they live on in my head.
Strings Attached is an old fashioned contemporary romance, I guess. Two people, dealing with their own histories and insecurities, must find a way to get it together. It’s fairly simple, but not so simple for them – my hero is facing some serious trauma, so it takes a lot of healing. Luckily, my heroine is pretty strong.
It takes place in Canada’s north, which is a lovely setting for romance – they fall in love under the northen lights. Lucky them! Right now, it’s boiling hot here in Ontario, and dripping with humidity. It’s nice to read about winter in such times.
What’s your current work in progress?
Right now, I am spending the summer on my non-fiction during the day, and my fiction at night, which makes for some split personality energies!
I am re-writing the ending to my NaNoWriMo novel, another contemporary romance – this one set in the university, which is an atmosphere I know fairly well. I hope to submit this by the end of summer, so fingers crossed. I am also working on a brand new novel, a romantic suspense involving a crime ring uncovered. Who knows where that one will end up?
Please describe your daily writing routine.
I have a 3 year old and I work from home and teach, as well, so I write whenever I can, really, especially at night. I try to bag at least 1,000 words a day, whether I am in the mood or not. I treat it like a job or assignment, and I just power through. As to the specific secrets of how to write… I drink coffee. Lots of coffee. And learning how to type quietly, no matter how exciting the scene is, so as to not wake up the tot.
Anne Holly is a Canadian writer of contemporary and erotic romance, and has been published with Wild Horse Press, Wicked Nights and Decadent Publishing. Anne is working on two new full length novels at the moment, one of which was written in rough draft during National Novel Writing Month 2010. She is currently enjoying the recent release of her first full length contemporary romance, Strings Attached (Wild Horse Press). You can learn more about Anne at her website (http://www.anneholly.webs.com/) and blog (http://anneholly.blogspot.com/).
You can find Strings Attached at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Strings-Attached-ebook/dp/B0053GSWCY/