It got me to thinking that 1) Alyssa listens waaay to much to what I say about the writing process, and 2) Maybe all writers are a little crazy.
For weeks now, I've been struggling to finish the second book in my Gypsy Fairy Tale series while Alastor (the disgruntled ghost from my Spiritus Series) keeps filling my head with his ramblings. Because of this I'm having a terrible time trying to connect to my characters.
Now did you get that? I'm finding it difficult to connect with imaginary people because an imaginary dead guy keeps talking to me. Let me phrase it another way.....My new imaginary friends won't play with me because my first imaginary friend is a big bully.
Doesn't really sound any better, does it? It all boils down to the simple idea that writer's are crazy. We live in worlds that we create in out own minds, we populate those worlds with imaginary people, and then share our insanity with the rest of the real world. So not only are we nuts.....But we contaminate the "normal" people with our sickness. If we're really successful, we even spawn our own epidemic (Fifty Shades of Grey, Twilight).