It was hard to get into the holiday mood anyway with this crazy weather, so I dug around until I came across a picture from a few years ago to share with you.
This is the famous bandstand/gazebo where Becca stop and cried after her fight with Ashley in the first Spiritus novel. Of course that was in the fall, but here it is all lit up for the Christmas season. I love how beautiful it looks in the snow!
Across the browning lawn, stood the white gazebo at the heart of the town square empty and forgotten. During the summer, small concerts were performed there, but in the autumn rain it looked dreary and forlorn. I stepped up into it and going to a far corner, crouched down to wait until I could go home.

And this here is the Capitol Building located on the square. It was on the sidewalk that runs in front of this building where Alastor first laid eyes on Becca during the time of the Civil War. Again, that was a different time of year, and the square would have been bright and colorful for summer, but even in the winter twilight, it's still beautiful.
Alastor paused, a soft smile played over his lips. “No, it was about a year later. I was at the square, ready to enlist when the most beautiful girl I had ever seen walked by me. You were wearing a beautiful blue dress; I remember how it matched your eyes exactly.”

So that's the town that lived in my Spiritus series, come to life and lit up for the holiday season. If you could visit the setting of a novel for the holidays, where would it be?