So, I've given you a peek at the first four chapters, then Chapter Eleven, then back to Chapter Seven...And now another teaser with Chapter Six.
We're just five days away! I'll be counting down on Facebook with a few more posts before release day and I'll be making a limited time discount so stay tuned.
Be sure to stop by Facebook or comment here and let me know how you liked the teasers.
The Soul of the Witch - Chapter Six

It was unfortunate that most of their windows faced the back of the building. Because of that, he was forced to park one street over and come up from the tracks to avoid being seen. He jumped the shallow ditch and crouched down in the overgrown shrubs.
He was sweltering in the still, summer night. No breeze could reach him as he settled down into his hiding spot.
It’s like a damn sauna out here...This wasn’t what I signed up for...
Nick slapped at a mosquito on his arm and waved away the gnats that hovered among the leaves that were trying to fly into his eyes. Only a few feet away from where he sat was another drainage ditch of some sort, filled with what looked like black water and mossy slime. The rank smell of it seemed to be attracting the swarms of insects that were pestering him before buzzing over to their putrid oasis only to come back at him again.
He could hear bits and pieces of conversations from the other units, one woman talking on the phone about her boyfriend’s mother calling her a whore, on the other side of her an elderly couple argued over a television show, but all Nick cared about were the drunken giggles coming from Janesa and Devan’s apartment.
How could they be so casual about the whole thing? What happened at the bar was no accident. Don’t they understand this is only the beginning?
He wished he could tell them everything that he knew. He wished he could stop hiding and just go around to the front and knock on the door. After all, what was the worst that could happen?
A car door slammed around the front of the building. Nick eased further back into the shadows. He knew that no one could see him, but he could not take any chances. After all, how could he explain himself?
Don’t mind me...Just your friendly neighborhood stalker...
He adjusted his position, trying to relieve the numbing sensation in his feet and the ache in his knees. A small orange and white kitten trotted up from across the ditch, circling his legs and meowing at him in a begging tone. It backed away every time Nick tried to pet it, only to come back and circle his legs again. He wished he had something to give it, but all he could do was sit completely still and let the little creature sniff at his shoes.
He looked back up at the window as the girls laughed again, seeming amused by the expression on the girls face when her magazine went up in flames.
Didn’t that prove it? Didn’t that show that they were careless? That they were dangerous? At the very least, did it not prove how evil they were?
He thought of every description of evil he had ever heard in his life. The lessons he learned as a boy in church about the devil and his power over mankind, the political evils of terrorism born in the black hearts of men, the cold blooded murderers, unrepentant rapists...And then these two beautiful, laughing girls.
I just don’t see it...
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