So, I've been addicted to this show so badly this season. I've loved the touch of real history sprinkled throughout and it got me hooked from the get go. With that said, there have been times when I've just shook my head and other times when I'm yelling at the television like a lunatic (yes, I am so that person).
First off, I lost my bet on who was the supreme a few weeks ago when Nan was killed off. I so wanted it to be her! My second choice though...That would have been the money maker if anyone would have taken me up on that bet.
The episode started off really well with the witches practicing their spells and Stevie Nicks walking around singing about the seven wonders to all the witches. I actually doubted my choice for a moment. I mean how perfect would it have been for Stevie nicks to be named the new supreme?
It was really sad that Misty was the first one to fail the seven wonders and get stuck in her own version of hell where she had to cut open a live frog again and again. I mean eww!
I was also a little disappointed that Zoe's version of hell was Kyle breaking up with her again and again. I mean seriously! Are you a witch or a needy little girl? That told me right away that she wasn't the supreme. That desperate need for love is a weakness that the supreme wouldn't have.
Zoe's obcession with Kyle was nearly her undoing again when the mind control test went south and Madison had Kyle choking the life out of Zoe. I sort knew how he felt. I wanted to reach through my televsision and choke her myself. Why not balls up and do something about Madison instead of kissing Kyle? Seriously!
Maybe because I was already annoyed with her, I sort of did a little cheer when Zoe bit it on the spikes of the gate during the transmutation test. Then of course, Madison refused to bring Zoe back and Queenie was unable to. My, my, the choices are narrowing. I thought for a mement that it would have been really aweson if Madison did bring Zoe back and then Zoe turned and killed Madison off in private. Then perhaps Zoe could be the supreme and Kyle could be her little sidekick like Spalding was to Fiona.
Okay, so that brings me to the new supreme Cordelia. First off, anyone that would blind herself a second time just so she could get the second sight to help the coven...Yeah, top that. So Cordelia doesn't just pass the seven wonders, she blows them away and announces her determination to bring the coven out of the shadows, but the twists and turns aren't done yet.
We can't wrap up this season without Fiona getting whats coming to her. Yes, we find out that she faked her death and now she's face to face with the daughter she hated, the new supreme, the very cause of her destruction. I expected her to kill Cordelia, to rid herself of the new supreme and therefore take her throne again. How cool would it have been for her to stabbed her daughter, killed Queenie and Zoe (possibly off camera), and then walked out of the house as it burst into flames. She could have walked past all of those crowded on the sidewalk, looking fabulous. that would have been great, but being stuck in an eternal hell of a fishing cabin with the axe man. It was too normal...Too ordinary...That would have been hell for her.
All in all, it was a great end to the season. What did you think?