Salvador Dali: In 2005, a sculpture of Christ on the Cross was discovered in the estate of friar Gabriele Maria Berardi. It is believed that Dali created this work as an act of gratitude to the man that was rumored to have performed an exorcist on the artist in France in 1947.
Roland Doe (AKA Robbie Mannheim): The events of this supposed possession and exorcism inspired the novel The Exorcist and later the film by the same name. The case became more serious as vials of holy water placed near the boy would shatter, the words "evil" and "hell" would appear on the boy's body, and a picture of Jesus rattled on the wall. Representatives from several churches conducted an exorcism at Georgetown University Hospital over thirty times in the duration of several weeks.
Michael Taylor: In 1974, accused of infidelity by his wife, Michael Taylor claimed that he felt an evil force within him. His local vicar and other ministers conducted an exorcism until 6am the following morning. Exhausted, the ministers sent him home, but warned that although forty demons were cast out, some remained. Once home, Michale murdered his wife and strangled their poodle. The police found him covered in blood and naked in the street. At trial, he was acquitted by reason of insanity.
Anneliese Michel: The case that inspired The Exorcism of Emily Rose. After a diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy, she was treated at a psychiatric hospital ofr depression. She became intolorant of religious objects by 1973 and eventually began to hear voices. Her family was convinced she was possessed, but it wasn't until 1975 that permission was given by the local bishop for two priest to perform a secret exorcism. She died, malnurished and dehydrated, as a result of the rites. Her parents and the priests were found guilty of negligence and served six months in jail.
Mother Teresa: Known for her religious work, Mother Teresa gave permission for an exorcism to be performed on her when she was first hospitalized with cardiac problems.
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